Inspire Me!

January 26, 2007

Ellsworth Kelly

Filed under: black box, calm and ordered, design community, elbows, stripes — wwwit @ 3:39 am






“I noticed that the large windows between the paintings [in the Musee d’Art Moderne] interested me more than the art exhibited. From then on, painting as I had known it was finished for me.”
(Ellsworth Kelly)

1 Comment »

  1. I just came from the opening day of the “Cezanne and More” exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where two of these paintings were exhibited as examples of how many artists, including Ellsworth Kelly, Jasper Johns, and Picasso to name a few, were influenced by Cezanne. Seeing the two paintings side by side with the Cezannes which served as inspiration, was just astounding. It caused me to come home and do some research on Kelly.

    Comment by suzannehye — February 27, 2009 @ 11:59 pm

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